Tuesday, March 3, 2015

TSA ATPK got softskill "How to Manage a Library"

TSA ATPK batch 8 and 9 with representation from Tanoto Foundation Mrs.Sri and Mr.Er Superno
Friday, 27th February 2015, TSA ATPK gathered at class to get a softskill from Mr.Er Superno about "How to Manage a Library". The softskill started around 5.30PM.

So the hot topic that day was "how to manage a small library?"
The good thing is that we didn't directly pull to the 'real thing'. At first we played some games and we may called it icebreaker. We were divided into 4 groups,after that we got into more serious game that need a focus, imagination and a pretty good knowledge.

So here's the real thing. What is library? Many of us defined it as a safe-and-sound place, books, a place of knowledge. After that we got task from Mr.Er Superno about 'what is library' and 'what absolute requirements that must be owned by a library?' and every group gave their short presentation about their opinions.

categorizing books

After that, we were taught how to categorizing books into two big categorizes, fiction and non-fiction. We were taught about how to know if a book is fiction or non-fiction.
And then we were taught about things we must do to have a good library.

We got so many knowledge that day and thanks to Tanoto Foundation for the softskill. and it's a good feeling to have a new knowledge that we can practice anytime soon at our small library :)

Writer : Esuko
Photograph by : Affandi, Charles


  1. So cool !! Hi hi scholars, i'm Mery TSA from Jambi, nice to meet you :)

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